Brian Mulligan, an American baritone who made his debut here in Salzburg, gives a lot of nobility to the role of Creon.

Forum Opéra

“Brian Mulligan a malevolent edge to her brother, Créon.”

Financial Times

«Brian Mulligan, baryton américain qui fait ici ses débuts à Salzbourg, donne beaucoup de noblesse au rôle de Créon.»

“Brian Mulligan, an American baritone who made his debut here in Salzburg, gives a lot of nobility to the role of Creon.”

Forum Opéra

«Accanto a Maltman, fra i tanti personaggi, festeggiati con entusiasmo dal pubblico, sicuri nel canto e nella presenza scenica ricordiamo la Giocasta livida di Anaik Morel, il Laio di Michael Corvin, il Creonte di Brian Mulligan, il Tiresia glorioso per autorità se non per voce di John Tomlison.»

“Alongside Maltman, among the many characters, enthusiastically celebrated by the public, confident in their singing and stage presence, we remember Anaik Morel’s Jocaste, Michael Colvin’s Laïos, Brian Mulligan’s Créon, and Tirésias glorious for authority if not for voice by John Tomlison.”

Il manifesto